

Aislinn Andrews knows the name Lucase Greywolf from newspapers and reports. Police officers search for all Arizona .... Brown Sandra
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 30254
EAN: 9788327683304
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Aislinn Andrews knows the name Lucase Greywolf from newspapers and reports. Police officers are searching for this escaped prisoner throughout Arizona. A man terrible as a panther found his way to her house and kidnapped her as a hostage to try to return to his dying grandfather in time and say goodbye to him as he commanded his honor.
Aislinn's boring and predictable life will change overnight and issued to the mercy of a man, whom the whole country considers a dangerous criminal, with him to go for a wild ride through the Arizona desert. The blue -eyed blond Aislinn presents everything he has despised for Lucas, the grandson of the Apache Chief. And yet she longs for her.
Two people. Two worlds. One way and one moment of the unearthly passion… Will they overcome the obstacles that divide them from happiness? And is Lucas really a troublemaker who organized violent riots among the American Indians? And found himself behind bars for a crime that did not commit?

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