
CD Žbirka - Fractions of Pozania

Two years after the boy from the street, Miroslav Žbirka recorded with Lacom Lučeničom and the band Limit album fragments Pozania.
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 319 Kč (13,29 €)
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List Number: 26647
EAN: 8584019204823
Manufacturer:CD - Warner Music
Price excluding VAT:237,28 Kč (9,89 €)
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fractions of PoznaniaMiroslav Žbirka (solo grown, Zbor, synthesizer), Ladislav Lučenič (electric and acoustic gitara, synthesizers, electrical bicia instruments, percussion), Ivan Minárik (keyboard tools, programming), Svata Juře (piano, synthesizers) )
Two years after the boy from the street, Miroslav Žbirka recorded with Lacom Lučeničom and the band Limit album fragments Pozania. After two author's albumoch, Meky expanded the circle of Textárkychův Kožovnov with Mená (Strasser, Urban), he scored a great poem Miroslav Válek (Jesenná love) and Milan Urban (fractions), which album rotates and gives him a name. The stýlla and the interpreter is a more typical Žbirkov album SO The ability to create permanent hits as well as it may seem to you etc.

01. Fractions
02.03. Adriana
04. Len with ňa
05. I sit at home
06. First
07. You may find you
08. Him Mala Council
09. serious man
10. Idem to PKO
11. Jesenná Love
12. Shagrene skin

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