
Cd the best for the smallest

Number of CD: 1
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206 Kč (8,66 €)
List price: 257 Kč (10,80 €)
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List Number: 00055
EAN: 0099925575724
Manufacturer:CD - Supraphon
Price excluding VAT:205,60 Kč (8,64 €)
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The name and selection correspond to the book of the same name, published by Albatros. In the interpretation of renowned masters, children will hear not only fairy tales about heroes that they know intimately from bedtime stories (about Rumcajs, Fairy Amálka, Poppy Dolls, Křemilek and Vochomůrka, Vodník Čepeček, Forman Šejtroček), but he will also hear less well -known, but extremely charming story about Damian Damian and a battle cat Pitipipačka and moreover - how it was when the shoemakers lifted the war for a red skirt.

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