
CD S + H: Hurvínek's Journey to Tramtaria

The title is the audio version of the performance of the same name from the repertoire of the S+H Theater.
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186 Kč (7,75 €)
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List Number: 01612
EAN: 0099925556723
Price excluding VAT:154,05 Kč (6,42 €)
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release date 01.01.2005

The title is the audio version of the performance of the same name from the repertoire of the S+H Theater. And what is it all about? It will tell you the names of individual images.

List of songs:
Hurvínek's rhinitis, Mánička's reading - suddenly everything in fairy tales, 145
Where does the tram lies, who rules, live, live?, 145
Princess Gerber is not very nice, Zeryk's kidnapping ordered. 145
Just blue from heaven Hurvínek with Mánička saves Žeryk - a, 145
Wind, cloud and rain called in time, revive the kingdom now go, 145
No one would believe what was going on when the evil gerber laughs., 145
The task is accomplished, Zeryk has freedom. And blue from heaven?, 145
It's about water!, 145
Who made Hurvínek a good day? It was all, 145

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