
CD Metal Compilation /a.COOPER, DIO,TESTAMEN

Four -Czech metal compilation brings the most interesting pieces of significant streams of heavy metal for the last twenty years
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439 Kč (18,29 €)
List price: 549 Kč (22,88 €)
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List Number: 03961
EAN: 4011222218988
Manufacturer:CD - Ostatní
Price excluding VAT:362,98 Kč (15,12 €)
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Four -two metal compilation brings the most interesting pieces from the important streams of heavy metal for the last twenty years, mostly from the catalog of specialized publishing house Eagle. She is a small school about what can be hidden under the term metal. There are pictures of pop metal and new waves of British heavy metal, trash, death metal and black metal, hard rock, hardcore fusion and other trends. We will discover Anthrax, Testament, but also Alice Cooper, Dio, Motley Crue or even Uriah Heep and Nazareth. Some songs are also less known solo projects (Gilby Clarke of Guns N'Roses, Paul Dianno of Iron Maiden) and iconic bands.

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