
Cd dolfínek deo

Number of CD: 1 Date of issue: 2004
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79 Kč (3,29 €)
List price: 99 Kč (4,13 €)
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List Number: 05171
EAN: 0741941062428
Price excluding VAT:65,46 Kč (2,73 €)
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Contents: 1. Hello children. - 2. How it all started. - 3. What does it live in that sea. - 4. Living is Lebeda. - 5. What is the end? 6. Mom, when will I finally grow up?. - 7. They are not all moms like ours. - 8. Turtle and Brundibar. - 9. You are a nice pink! - 10. Sardinka is not my mother, or the story of a loner. - 11. Starfish fallen with heaven. - 12. Can there be races in the sea? - 13. Courses sewing. - 14. Sharks. - 15th and even more relatives. - 16. The sea lions are chuckled. - 17. You're my treasure. - 18. Medusa. - 19th gossip about neighbor. - 20. Pacific Ocean The quietest. - 21. Return. - 22. Good night, kids!

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