
Gate of Eternity - Dübell Richard - Damaged

Year 1250. Emperor Friedrich II. is dead, the Holy Roman Empire full of confusion. Only one person knows the Emperor's last secret.
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299 Kč (12,56 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,97 €)
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List Number: 22777
EAN: 9788072438693
Price excluding VAT:299,40 Kč (12,58 €)
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The spine of the book is torn, see the second picture

Year 1250. Emperor Friedrich II. is dead, the Holy Roman Empire full of confusion. Only one person knows the Emperor's last secret. He is the Cathar Rogers de Bezers, who sets out on the trail of a secret that will change his life forever.
At the same time, a Cistercian nun sets off to found a new cell in seclusion. Her order must become a famous spiritual center in order to protect a fellow sister, and the means to do this is to build a magnificent monastery. When the people in the town reject Sister Elsbeth's plans, she enlists the help of three strangers. One of them is Rogers de Bezers. However, Elsbeth has no idea what really brought him to the city...

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