
Bodyguard - Katherine Center

To guard, to protect... and above all not to fall in love
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299 Kč (12,56 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 32390
EAN: 9788026726012
Price excluding VAT:299,25 Kč (12,57 €)
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Hanna Brooks certainly doesn't look like someone who can eliminate an opponent with a pen or a wine cork. However, under the mask of an inconspicuous girl from Texas hides a professional bodyguard who puts her own life on the line for the sake of Hollywood sex symbol Jack Stapleton. And the heart too. To protect him from a crazed stalker, she must invade Jack's privacy and pretend to be his girlfriend at his parents' ranch. Jack is safe because of her. But who will protect the bodyguard from her feelings?

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