
Baptism Bible - Lizie Ribbons, Paola Bertolini Grudin

The Picture Bible combines Bible stories, first prayers and family genealogy into one.
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187 Kč (7,86 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,46 €)
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List Number: 32681
EAN: 9788075664334
Price excluding VAT:186,75 Kč (7,85 €)
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The Picture Bible combines biblical stories, first prayers and family genealogy into one. On the free page, it is possible to write down the children's first progress. The book is suitable for the first introduction to the Scriptures and at the same time can become a valuable personal keepsake of the baptism.
This little Bible contains two dozen stories from the Old Testament and over three dozen stories from the New Testament. It ends with several prayers before eating and before going to bed, as well as a prayer of blessing that the child can pray for his family and that parents canbless their children.
There is a cut-out on the cover where a photo of the child can be pasted. So this book will become his first personal Bible.

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