

To survive, the king's bastard must play a game that can cost him much more than just the throne ... Most Jaroslav
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 30539
EAN: 9788075884497
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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To survive, the king's bastard must play a game that can cost him much more than just the throne…

At the beginning of the 9th century, Brittany resembles a dug nest. While the Celtic inhabitants long for independence, the Franconian Empire led by Charles the Great is not going to lose its westernmost outpost. The rebellious landing of judoël's dream of freedom but subordinated everything, even the safety of the family and his subjects.

At a time when he is looking for help with Earl of Ashford with the most faithful, the Franconian soldiers are landing on the Brittany coast and the bloodshed. Only Judaël's left bank Yannig, who hides in the adjacent rocks, so that he is not done as an honorary hostage to Charles Court, knows that everything is different and that the Franks landed only after the Viking Drakar failed in the Gulf.
Without knowing to whom he can believe, he has to play a game for his own life, because anyone can be the enemy - even his half -brother. Bastard Yannig soon knows that the price of one day to sit on the father's throne does not count on a round gold, but for the lives of friends and family. And to make matters worse, an ancient evil awakens in the rocks that has been waiting for its opportunity since the boy's birth…

The riveting historical novel about the conflict of Celts, Franks and Vikings by the author of the legendary saga wolf age. At the same time, the last completed book by Jaroslav Mostecký.

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