
Myths, rituals and customs of old Slavs

The Slavs must instill the belief that the defending of their interests is their most important and lifelong task. Růžička Josef
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278 Kč (11,58 €)
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List Number: 30097
EAN: 9788076511538
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Slavs must instill the belief that defending their interests is their most important and lifelong task. To carry out the far -reaching and take into account the nature of the Slavic, not an easy task, it is necessary to connect into a proper whole. Maybe one of the numerous members will be involved as a prodigal son and will be a failure. But the power of the bundle will contribute to this to bring the failure of his own interest to the trips more orderly.
Such an important period that the Slavs have come up with little to nations. They are at an important point, having further fate in their own hands! Either they recognize the very important affiliation of their bloodstream, combine and form units struggling with the most advanced world ideas, turning their own position for the better - or they will not recognize this higher opinion, fall out of the old passion and will be mere preparatory material for foreign yoke and enslavement.

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