
When I find the key

Ahndoril Alex
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299 Kč (12,46 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 31944
EAN: 9788027518180
Price excluding VAT:299,25 Kč (12,47 €)
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Lars Kepler comes with a thrilling detective series - under the new pseudonym!

Private investigator Julie Starková accepts an unannounced visit in the office. Per Günter Mott, one of the owners of a successful family business, took part in the meeting of the company's board of directors on the previous day and domesticated at its estate in northwest Sweden. In the morning, he found a photo of a bloody man with a bag on his head. However, due to memory failures caused by a large amount of alcohol drunk, they have no idea how the image has reached its phone and who is captured on it. To worry about his reputation, Per Günter wants to hire Julia to cleanse his name before the police are inserted into the case.

Julie asks her ex -husband Sidney Mendelson, who works with the municipal police to take her leave and help her with the investigation. He still hopes that it could be a chance to get him back. Together, Julie and Sidney go to a flashy mansion, where they gradually become acquainted with all members of the Günter family. And as soon as it turns out, each of them has its secrets.

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