
Driving School 2024 (David Chmela)

Rules, marks, tests
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187 Kč (7,86 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,46 €)
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List Number: 32403
EAN: 9788026451204
Price excluding VAT:186,75 Kč (7,85 €)
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The textbook is intended for driving school students, regular drivers and drivers of reference vehicles who need to review the rules of driving on roads, learn new traffic signs and regulations and verify their expertise through test questions. The book is supplemented with a chapter on providing first aid, principles of safe driving and texts from the subject Vehicle control and maintenance.

From the contents of the book:

point system and penalties for violations

selected sections of the Road Traffic Act No. 361/2000

test questions used in practice tests

vehicle operation and maintenance (group B, B+E, B1)

current laws and regulations for all drivers

questions for the vehicle control and maintenance exam (exam C, C1, D, D1, C+E, D+E, C1+E, D1+E)

road signs with commentary

Principles of safe driving

medical training with visual instructions for providing first aid

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