
Arakain - History 40

The band Arakain has been a respectable forty years on our music scene. She started out in the underground, gradually worked his way among the Czech heavy metal elite ... Barančík Tomáš | Urban Jiří
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1 119 Kč (46,63 €)
List price: 1 399 Kč (58,29 €)
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List Number: 30343
EAN: 9788088413073
Price excluding VAT:1 119,20 Kč (46,63 €)
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Arakain band has been a respectable forty years on our music scene. She started out in the underground, gradually worked his way between the Czech heavy metal elite and eventually became a legend. Although it has gone through many peripetia, it has survived all the adversity - even because of its loyal fans. First of all, this narrative book is for them, which offers a detailed and comprehensive overview of the development of the group from its beginnings in 1982 until the annual concert for forty years in Prague's O2 Univers.
Arakain - History 40 is charged. It maps the past and creation of the group year after a year, deals with individual albums and important concerts, monitors the circumstances of the creation of the most famous songs. It describes milestones of band history, be it moments of fame or fall, skirmishes with political power or arrivals and departures of musicians.
The book is equipped with extensive, often rare picture photo documentation. You will also find a clear discography of the group and the profiles of all members who have replaced it. In addition, it contains a large number of links to printed and web sources of information about Arakain, which orthodox fans will appreciate.

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