
AC/DC album album

How has a music legend has been created that millions of people around the world have adored for decades? Popoff Martin
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559 Kč (23,29 €)
List price: 699 Kč (29,13 €)
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List Number: 30119
EAN: 9788027712939
Price excluding VAT:559,20 Kč (23,30 €)
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How did a music legend have been created that millions of people around the world have adored for decades? Why AC/DC faced
accusations of Satanism and why some songs were not allowed to play in New York? And where did the iconic
come from School Uniform Anguse Young?
I will answer these questions by Canadian music journalist Martin Popoff in a book that maps the way
Australian rock gods across the first sixteen albums. He invited a lot of guests from the music < /span>
Branches and immediate surroundings of AC/DC and interviews with a number of authentic and often still
Unconducting photos from concerts, tests and privacy of the band. This will learn countless details of
songs and albums and maybe even understand where the unmistakable sound that every musical
Fans will recognize after the first few tones.
At the time of the book in 2017, there was still speculation about the possible end of "electricians", but fortunately we are in
In 2020, they calmed down the last Power UP album. As it seems, their driving on the highway
to Hell is not over yet.
Dusts vinyls, kick stereo and listen to an electrifying piece of hell on the ground that from us from the other end of the world brought two little brothers with guitars.

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